Sometimes words are not enough and a conflict can lead into a brawl, fight or even a shootout.
Let's talk about PvP combat and how to do it. This guide serves for both beginners and experienced players alike. It never hurts to have this guide as a cheatsheet on hand.
It is absolutely crucial to be familiar with our rules to ensure smooth and fair game.
PvP Intent
If you are about to declare a PvP Intent, you can do so in RPR (Shift+R > Abilities > Combat).
Once you declare a PvP Intent, other players are required to react.
Same goes for you if you are within a PvP Intent of someone else.
PvP Intent is targeted at a specific person or a group of people.
Anyone within the PvP Intent range can declare whether they want to join the fight or not.
Those who are declared as a target by anyone present have to participate in the fight.
If you're not joining a fight, it is generally a good practice to let others know by using /pvp observe.
To join a fight after PvP Intent has been declared, you have to type /init.
This commands also rolls a Reflexes roll for you to decide order of combat.
Once everyone involved rolled Initiative, the player who declared the PvP intent has to type /ready to start the combat, signalling to the system that all players are ready to begin. Make sure to wait for everyone to either join or make it known they're not joining.
Player Turns
Our system tracks turn order for you. Once it's your turn, you can use your abilities to take down your opponents. Once you're done with your turn, don't forget to use the End Turn ability (Shift+R > Abilities > Combat).
Exit Combat
Are you down to 0 HP? Or are your enemies defeated? It's time to Exit Combat (Shift+R > Abilities > Combat). Once everyone exited the combat, you can move on to the consequence phase.
Once the fight ends, consequence phase begins.
Please refer to our rules when delivering a consequence.
You may use 2 actions on each of your turns (unless stated otherwise).
Most abilities use 1 action (unless stated otherwise).
Movement is an action (please use the Movement ability).
Swapping equipment is an action, you may do so only if you have an action available. This is not blocked by our system and we expect you to play fair.
Opening or closing doors is an action (please use the Interact ability), locking them is not an option during combat.
Attack actions give you Penalty on subsequent attack actions during that turn. This Penalty lowers your chance to hit, incentivizing you to strategize and use other actions as well.
Use your Movement and avoid getting Tackled to escape the fight.
Once you're out of line of sight and also more than 5 tiles from all of your opponents for more than 1 turn, you may exit combat and flee the scene.
Your opponents may also choose to allow you to flee even when these conditions aren't met.