Hey! We're glad you're responsible and decided to dedicate a few minutes to read our rules.
These rules will not only familiarize you with what is prohibited here, but also serve as your guide. They will help you understand the different terms we use and guide you through our style of play.
Please don't just skip through the rules. We want to keep the game's immersion high quality, prevent any possible attempts to spoil the game, and create a pleasant environment for all players to enjoy. Therefore read carefully and make sure you understand everything. If you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ask us on Discord and we'll be more than happy to help you out.
We want to make it very clear that no one is exempt from these rules. Especially not our staff team, these players should be under the highest scrutiny and lead the community by example.
Community Rules
We're adults and decent people. We expect everyone to respect other players. All players shall be of legal age in their respective country and behave like adults. We don't want to see any drama, arguments, toxicity, or bullying in our community (outside of in-character interaction). If there is a disagreement with another player, we expect you to handle it with calm and reason. After all, we are all here to have fun roleplaying together and help each other. We want this community to be a place for you and for us to love coming back to.
M.1 - Be respectful
We strive to create and uphold a friendly environment. Insults, personal attacks, harassment of any form, discrimination (based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, etc.), ridicule, threats, sharing of personal information and other disrespectful behavior to others is absolutely unacceptable and has no place in our community.
M.2 - Rules lawyering
Do not approach these rules with the intention to try and find holes, bend them, or argue about the wording. If something is unclear, please ask us about the rule, so we can clarify.
If something is missing in the rules, it doesn't mean it is allowed. We will expand these rules as needed and we expect you to respect the spirit of the rules.
M.3 - Dispute Resolution
If you are a victim or a witness of rule breaking or any bad faith behavior, let us know through a ticket. You shall never threaten anyone with a moderation action or the ticketing itself. Do not freeze the scene while waiting for staff involvement, keep the roleplay going and let us handle the situation as we get to it.
Roleplay Rules
First and foremost we expect you to follow a proper roleplaying etiquette. Portray your character properly according to our lore.
R.1 - Metagaming
Metagaming means using information obtained through OOC means in the IC world.
While your character might be familiar with many nuances of the world they live in (which you've read here on the website), they're not familiar with what's currently happening on the other side of the map unless they gained this knowledge through correct means. Your character doesn't have all of your knowledge as a player.
R.2 - Adult content
Due to the nature of our setting and Conan itself, the server is restricted to adults only. That applies to both OOC and IC. We strictly prohibit roleplay of children on our server. All players and characters have to be 18 years of age or older. There is also zero tolerance for characters that look underage and it doesn't matter what age you roleplay them as.
Sensitive themes (such as surgeries, torture, sex, etc.) shall be kept private and only in presence of players that OOCly consent to the scene. If players who do not consent to the scene are present, the roleplay shall be paused until they can leave. If the scene takes place in a public space (other than spaces meant for such purpose — e.g. surgeries in hospital), then it shall be the players roleplaying such topics who have to move the scene to a private space.
Game Rules
This section of the rules covers what is and isn't allowed as far as Conan Exiles functions go.
G.1 - Building
Do not build any building pieces anywhere. Only things you can place down are placeables and you are only allowed to place them in your owned properties (room/house/business).
G.2 - Recreate
Do not use the recreate character function in ESC menu unless you were specifically told to do so by our staff in your reroll ticket.
G.3 - Clans
Players are allowed to use the clan feature to group up and share their properties. Clan chat is strictly OOC only.
G.4 - Decoration Limits
There shall be no more than 200 placeables in a single owned property. There is no limit on the number of owned properties at the moment.
G.5 - Alt-to-Alt
Items belong to your character, not to you as a player and you shall never transfer any items to your own characters to keep them through rerolls. If you're caught breaking this rule, you will lose all of your items on both characters. Aiding with this is punished in a same way.
G.6 - Bugs, cheats, exploits
We have absolute zero tolerance for cheaters of any kind. If you encounter a possible exploit, you are required to inform us through a ticket. Any malicious behavior such as cheating, evading bans, etc. will be punished with permanent ban without an option to have it lifted ever.
Combat Rules
Every combat on our server shall follow our combat guide which goes into detail on the flow of PvP. However most important are rules that follow.
C.1 - Scene Lock
Once PvP is declared (intent has been dropped), the scene is locked and no further players shall join the scene until the consequence phase is over. Everyone within the range of a PvP intent is locked into the scene unless they are not targeted by anyone else within the scene lock, in that case they can either leave or observe. Any player that stumbles upon the scene while it's locked has to leave the area immediately and isn't allowed to watch. Those players cannot roleplay witnessing anything they saw in the locked scene.
Exception from this rule is spar, which doesn't lock the scene and people are free to come and go.
C.2 - Consequences
The winning party may impose consequences on the losing party after a fight is concluded. While delivering those consequences, players are in a consequence phase.
This phase can only last 30 minutes. If consequences take longer time than that, the scene is no longer locked and other players may interact with it. Under no circumstances shall players slow down the roleplay to exploit this rule.
We differentiate three categories of consequences as listed below.
Minor consequences are mechanical consequences that may be applied at any time.
Major consequences are mechanical consequences that may only be applied if the winning party had at max +1 advantage in numbers (i.e. in 1v1 or 3v2, but not in 3v1 or 6v3).
Consented consequences are non-mechanical consequences that may be applied only if the losing party actively consents to such consequences.
Keep in mind that any thievery consequences may be applied from you on a specific target only once per 24 hours. You may not rob someone again after already doing so within the last 24 hours.
Only one consequence shall be applied on a character. Consequence stacking is not allowed.
Minor Consequences
- Beating - The target is beaten further after being beaten in fight, resulting into more injuries.
- Petty Theft - You may rob the target of the maximum of 20 credits.
Major Consequences
- Render Unconscious - The target is beaten into losing consciousness, they will wake up after the scene is over with more serious injuries.
- Theft - You may rob the target of any single item or the maximum of 50 credits.
- Infect Cyberware - You install malicious code into the target's cyberware, allowing you to hack them later. This can only be applied if the target uses any cyberware, or is an artifical.
Consented Consequences
Basically anything you want as long as the losing party actively consents. Most common example would be holding the losing party hostage.
C.3 - Mugging
You may mug someone and it may (or may not) be reasonable for the target character to give up their belongings without a fight. However same rules as with PvP consequences apply. Players can only take what consequences rules would allow them as if a fight was taking a place. If the target complies and PvP takes place anyway, the attackers shall not deliver any further theft consequences.